SELECT nvl (R1.SID, 0), -- SID NUMBER nvl -- RECID NUMBER (R1.RECID, R2.RSRRID), nvl -- STAMP NUMBER (R1.STAMP, R2.RSRTST), decode -- PARENT_RECID NUMBER (nvl (R1.ROW_LEVEL, R2.RSRLV), 0, to_number (NULL), nvl (R1.PARENT_RECID, RSRPI)), decode -- PARENT_STAMP NUMBER (nvl (R1.ROW_LEVEL, R2.RSRLV), 0, to_number (NULL), nvl (R1.PARENT_STAMP, R2.RSRPS)), decode -- SESSION_RECID NUMBER (nvl (R1.ROW_LEVEL, R2.RSRLV), 0, nvl (R1.RECID, R2.RSRRID), R2.RSR0I), decode -- SESSION_STAMP NUMBER (nvl (R1.ROW_LEVEL, R2.RSRLV), 0, nvl (R1.STAMP, R2.RSRTST), R2.RSR0S), nvl -- ROW_LEVEL NUMBER (R1.ROW_LEVEL, R2.RSRLV), nvl -- ROW_TYPE VARCHAR2(19) (R1.ROW_TYPE, decode (R2.RSRLV, 0, 'SESSION', 1, 'COMMAND', 'RECURSIVE OPERATION')), nvl -- COMMAND_ID VARCHAR2(33) (R1.COMMAND_ID, R2.RSRCI), nvl -- OPERATION VARCHAR2(33) (R1.OPERATION, UPPER (R2.RSROP)), nvl -- STATUS VARCHAR2(23) (R1.STATUS, decode (bitand (R2.RSRIS, 2+1), 2, decode (R2.RSRES, 1, 'RUNNING', 1+8, 'RUNNING WITH WARNINGS', 1+16, 'RUNNING WITH ERRORS', 1+8+16, 'RUNNING WITH ERRORS', 2, 'COMPLETED', 2+8, 'COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS', 2+16, 'COMPLETED WITH ERRORS', 2+8+16, 'COMPLETED WITH ERRORS', 'FAILED'), 'FAILED')), decode -- MBYTES_PROCESSED NUMBER (R2.RSRMP, 0, nvl (HH.MBYTES, 0), R2.RSRMP), nvl -- START_TIME DATE (R1.START_TIME, to_date (R2.RSRST, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=Gregorian')), nvl -- END_TIME DATE (R1.END_TIME, to_date (R2.RSRET, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=Gregorian')), decode -- INPUT_BYTES NUMBER (R2.RSRIM, 0, nvl (HH.INPBYTES, 0), decode (bitand (R2.RSRIM, 2147483648), 0, R2.RSRIM, 2147483648, bitand (R2.RSRIM, 2147483647) *1024*1024)), decode -- OUTPUT_BYTES NUMBER (R2.RSROM, 0, nvl (HH.OUTBYTES, 0), decode (bitand (R2.RSROM, 2147483648), 0, R2.RSROM, 2147483648, bitand (R2.RSROM, 2147483647) *1024*1024)), decode -- OPTIMIZED VARCHAR2(3) (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 32), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl -- OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(13) (nvl (nvl (nvl (nvl (nvl (nvl (decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 1+128), 1, 'DB FULL', null), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 64), 64, 'RECVR AREA', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 1+128), 129, 'DB INCR', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 2+128), 2, 'DATAFILE FULL', 130, 'DATAFILE INCR', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 4), 4, 'ARCHIVELOG', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 8), 8, 'CONTROLFILE', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 16), 16, 'SPFILE', null)), decode (bitand (R2.RSRFL, 256), 256, 'BACKUPSET', null)), decode -- OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYPE VARCHAR2(17) (bitand (R2.RSRIS, 32+16+8+4), 0, odev.device_type, 4, 'DISK', 8, 'SBT_TAPE', 16, '*', null) device_type FROM X$KCCRSR R2, GV$RMAN_STATUS_CURRENT R1, ( SELECT R.RSRRID RECID, R.RSRTST STAMP, sum (aggrcol) / (1024*1024) MBYTES, sum (inpcol) INPBYTES, sum (outcol) OUTBYTES from x$kccrsr R, ( select rman_status_recid, rman_status_stamp, sum (case when type=3 then blocks*block_size else 0 end) aggrcol, sum (case when type=1 then blocks*block_size else 0 end) inpcol, sum (case when type=2 then blocks*block_size else 0 end) outcol from x$ksfqp group by rman_status_recid, rman_status_stamp) RS where R.RSRRID = RS.RMAN_STATUS_RECID (+) and R.RSRTST = RS.RMAN_STATUS_STAMP (+) group by R.RSRRID, R.RSRTST) HH, ( SELECT unique R.RSRRID RECID, R.RSRTST STAMP, device_type from x$kccrsr R, ( SELECT RMAN_STATUS_RECID, RMAN_STATUS_STAMP, decode (count (distinct devtype) over (partition by RMAN_STATUS_RECID, RMAN_STATUS_STAMP), 1, first_value (devtype) over (partition by RMAN_STATUS_RECID, RMAN_STATUS_STAMP), 0, null, '*') device_type from x$ksfqp where 2 = TYPE) RS where R.RSRRID = RS.RMAN_STATUS_RECID (+) and R.RSRTST = RS.RMAN_STATUS_STAMP (+)) ODEV WHERE nvl (R1.RECID, R2.RSRRID) = HH.RECID AND nvl (R1.STAMP, R2.RSRTST) = HH.STAMP AND nvl (R1.RECID, R2.RSRRID) = ODEV.RECID AND nvl (R1.STAMP, R2.RSRTST) = ODEV.STAMP AND R2.RSRRID = R1.RECID (+) AND R2.RSRTST = R1.STAMP (+)

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