V$BACKUP_ARCHIVELOG_SUMMARYselect a.*, -- NUM_FILES_BACKED NUMBER case -- NUM_DISTINCT_FILES_BACKED NUMBER when input_bytes/decode (output_bytes, 0, null, output_bytes) > 1 then input_bytes/decode (output_bytes, 0, null, output_bytes) else 1 end compression_ratio, sys.dbms_rcvman.num2displaysize -- MIN_FIRST_CHANGE# NUMBER (input_bytes) input_bytes_display, sys.dbms_rcvman.num2displaysize -- MAX_NEXT_CHANGE# NUMBER (output_bytes) output_bytes_display from ( select sum (num_files_backed) num_files_backed, sum (distinct_files_backed) distinct_files_backed, min (min_first_change#) min_first_change#, max (max_next_change#) max_next_change#, min (min_first_time) min_first_time, max (max_next_time) max_next_time, sum (original_input_bytes) input_bytes, sum (output_bytes) output_bytes from (( select num_files_backed, distinct_files_backed, min_first_change#, max_next_change#, min_first_time, max_next_time, original_input_bytes, output_bytes from ( select count (*) num_files_backed, min (first_change#) min_first_change#, max (next_change#) max_next_change#, min (first_time) min_first_time, max (next_time) max_next_time from v$backup_redolog where (set_stamp, set_count) in ( select set_stamp, set_count from v$backup_set_details)), ( select count (*) distinct_files_backed from ( select unique thread#, sequence#, resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time from v$backup_redolog where (set_stamp, set_count) in ( select set_stamp, set_count from v$backup_set_details))), ( select nvl (sum (original_input_bytes), 0) original_input_bytes, nvl (sum (output_bytes), 0) output_bytes from ( select unique set_count, set_stamp, original_input_bytes, output_bytes from v$backup_set_details where backup_type='L'))) union ( select num_files_backed, distinct_files_backed, min_first_change#, max_next_change#, min_first_time, max_next_time, original_input_bytes, output_bytes from ( select count (*) num_files_backed, min (first_change#) min_first_change#, max (next_change#) max_next_change#, min (first_time) min_first_time, max (next_time) max_next_time, nvl (sum ((blocks+1) *block_size), 0) original_input_bytes, nvl (sum ((blocks+1) *block_size), 0) output_bytes from v$proxy_archivedlog a, v$rman_status b, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionkey skey from dual) c, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionfromTimeRange fTime from dual) d, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionuntilTimeRange uTime from dual) e where a.status = 'A' and a.rman_status_recid = b.recid (+) and a.rman_status_stamp = b.stamp (+) and (c.skey is null or c.skey = b.session_recid) and (d.fTime is null or d.fTime <= b.start_time) and (e.uTime is null or e.uTime >= b.end_time)), ( select count (*) distinct_files_backed from ( select unique thread#, sequence#, resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time from v$proxy_archivedlog a, v$rman_status b, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionkey skey from dual) c, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionfromTimeRange fTime from dual) d, ( select /*+ no_merge */ sys.dbms_rcvman.sv_getsessionuntilTimeRange uTime from dual) e where a.status = 'A' and a.rman_status_recid = b.recid (+) and a.rman_status_stamp = b.stamp (+) and (c.skey is null or c.skey = b.session_recid) and (d.fTime is null or d.fTime <= b.start_time) and (e.uTime is null or e.uTime >= b.end_time)))))) a