select USERENV ('instance'), -- INST_ID NUMBER addr, -- ADDR RAW(4) kaddr, -- KADDR RAW(4) sid, -- SID NUMBER type, -- TYPE VARCHAR2(2) id1, -- ID1 NUMBER id2, -- ID2 NUMBER lmode, -- LMODE NUMBER request, -- REQUEST NUMBER ctime -- CTIME NUMBER from v$lock l where exists ( select * from v$dlm_locks d where substr (d.resource_name2, 1, instr (d.resource_name2, ', ', 1, 1) -1) = id1 and substr (d.resource_name2, instr (d.resource_name2, ', ', 1, 1) +1, instr (d.resource_name2, ', ', 1, 2) -instr (d.resource_name2, ', ', 1, 1) -1) = id2 and substr (d.resource_name2, instr (d.resource_name2, ', ', -1, 1) +1, 2) = type)

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